A day of reflection and
November 13th 2013 is the
71st anniversary of the
"First Naval Battle of Guadalcanal" as the night action in which the USS
Atlanta, USS Juneau and 4 US destroyers and one Japanese Battleship and two
destroyers were sunk was often referred to.
Please feel free to look
through the sight, especially the Tribute Pages where we have posted many
stories from survivors detailing their experiences that night as well as
those reflections of their family members.
leave your feelings or remarks in our guestbook
Thank you

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Anyone who served with Mr George R. Archibald
and is interested in contacting him may do so at the following address:
George R. Archibald (Chief Watertender-
Retired) 450 N. Soldano Ave.Apt. #103 Azusa, CA 91702
Posted by Joe Laferriere - "I am trying to
locate an old shipmate of mine who served with me on the USS Atlanta. We were
separated after we abandoned ship and I have not been able to locate him. I know
this is almost impossible but I sure would like to try. His name was Pete Leyva,
he was from ElPaso Tx. and the last I heard he was an attorney in the Boston
area. Mr. Laferriere can be contacted at the following email address - Gwenjo5@ Juno.com
Check out this new book by
Glenn Arnold
called Warship Perspectives
- The Atlanta Class Cruisers in World War 2.
Has great pictures, some from personal collections and details of the ships in
the class. A great reference on these great ships. Its published by W.R. Press
in NY.

2016. - The Documentary "The USS Atlanta -
Defender of Guadalcanal
will be screened in Belgium
NEWSFLASH! Screening this weekend!
Return To The USS Atlanta will be screened on Saturday, November 16,
2013 at tekDIVE13 in Edegem, Belgium. Richard Lundgren one of the
USS Atlanta explorers, will be available to answer questions during
the Q&A session taking place after the screening. Filmmakers Elena
Konstantinou, Julia Golosiy, and Philip Yakymov will also be
For more info about the screening and other fantastic events at
tekDIVE13, visit www.tekdive13.com.
directly from those who were there, in their own words about
their experiences, feelings and the horror of battle.
The complete documentary has extensive
underwater footage of the USS Atlanta as she rests now, narrated by
the divers as they respectfully explore the ship.>
In May 2011, a highly
experienced team of deep divers landed on the shores of Guadalcanal
expressly to dive the USS Atlanta, and through the video footage
that they hope to capture, answer some of these questions and reveal
her true, present condition, seventy years after the battle. Dive
To The USS Atlanta, Defender of Guadalcanal, captures this
dedicated survey expedition, while at the same time, telling the
story of one of the fiercest battles of World War II – the Naval
Battle of Guadalcanal.
The video production
group has interviewed survivors and family members from New Jersey,
Washington State, Atlanta Ga, and Helena Montana.
HWLL want to
interview others, survivors or family members on their experiences.
If anyone is interested please email me at
with contact info and I will forward it on to the group.
Many thanks to
Elena Konstantinou,
Executive Producer/Writer and Shareen Anderson,
Director/Producer/Writer as well as the rest of the filming and
diving team for making this amazing video.
stories page
is growing!!!
The purpose of this page is to add a personal touch to the site and
give interested parties a chance to add to their content. If you
would like to supply information please email me by using the email
button below. Thanks to all that would like to help.